EuroLinux Roadmap

EuroLinux System Roadmap for Q1 2023

In Q1, we plan to release updates to EuroLinux Desktop both as a standard installer and as a Live ISO. This will make it possible to test the system before installing it. We will also continue work on Gaia 3.0 and the Rebel repository. We plan to release the EuroMan 2.0 product, beta testing of which is nearing completion.

We publish the current roadmap of the EuroLinux operating system. These are our development plans and related activities. In accordance with our strategy of transparency, we inform in advance about the planned work.

We create our roadmaps according to a template:

  • points realized in the previous quarter
  • plans for the current quarter
  • plans for next quarter
  • general plans for the future.

Roadmap EuroLinux

Discussion of roadmap items for Q1

Rebel Repository

Rebel Repository is an RPM package repository that contains community packages for Enterprise Linux 9 systems, such as packages that enhance system capabilities, add administrative tools or alternative desktop environments.

The goal of the Rebel repository is to remove restrictions on developers who want to add packages to repositories and to set a new standard in creating repositories from the community for the community.

EuroMan 2.0

EuroMan is a tool for managing Enterprise Linux operating systems. It helps configure and update systems and maintain their smooth operation and security in compliance with various organization standards. It allows distributing software on a customer’s local infrastructure, granting permissions to system users or creating limits on the use of repositories. In Q1, we will continue the work started in the previous quarter.

EuroLinux 9.1 Desktop LIVE

Following the successful and high-profile launch of EuroLinux Desktop, we have gathered a lot of positive feedback. We paid special attention to the improvements suggested by users and the community. Some of them we are already introducing into the system, others require more time to develop the concept and refine the open source design for the life cycle of EuroLinux Desktop (we remind you that the system will be supported for 10 years).

In Q1 we intend to release further enhancements to EuroLinux Desktop, including a default email program, better support for Samba including Samba as Domain Controller. EuroLinux Desktop will be available both as a standard installer and as a Live ISO, so it will be possible to test the system before installing it.

Gaia 3.0 beta

EuroLinux Gaia enables self-compilation of the operating system from sources in the customer’s own infrastructure. The product is dedicated to organizations that care about the highest level of software delivery security. It allows customization of the system, as well as the creation of its own dedicated distribution. In Q1, we are planning a wide deployment of Gaia 3.0 beta version. The beta version will automatically become the GA version after the upgrade.

EuroLinux Open Hardware Certification LIVE

Hardware certification by an operating system manufacturer is a guarantee that the system will work properly on a given hardware. Lists of certified hardware make it easy to purchase, upgrade and replace hardware platforms with compatible software. They are also useful when you want to verify that the hardware you are using will work with a particular version of EuroLinux. In Q1 we plan to release the LIVE ISO tests already available, making it even easier to perform the testing procedure.

EuroLinux 9.1 Raspberry Pi images

We plan to release images of the EuroLinux 9.1 operating system (appstream and minimal) designed for the Raspberry Pi 4. It is a small and powerful computer board that is designed for hobbyists, programmers and electronics enthusiasts.

The future

The next roadmap will be published in March.

In the meantime, we encourage you to visit our blog, where we will keep you updated on our progress.


The blog articles are written by people from the EuroLinux team. We owe 80% of the content to our developers, the rest is prepared by the sales or marketing department. We make every effort to ensure that the content is the best in terms of content and language, but we are not infallible. If you see anything that needs to be corrected or clarified, we'd love to hear from you.